Five Reasons to Become a Dev

Just a few of the reasons to embark on this amazing journey.

by Nik MalevJanuary 13 2021

1. Mindset

Tux, the Linux mascot

Becoming a dev requires you to adopt an engineering mindset. This is useful in pretty much all facets of life. It teaches you how to break down overwhelming tasks in to smaller, bite-sized tasks.

For example, baking a cake can be daunting at first, but when you break it down it becomes quite simple

  • Preheat oven
  • Combine wet and dry ingredients
  • Pour in to cake pan
  • Put cake in oven
  • Start watching Netflix
  • Forget about cake
  • Turn off the smoke alarm

Engineering teaches you to focus more on solutions and to iteratively improve your solutions. Instead of fixating on the negative (you've burnt the cake), you consider a solution (setting a timer) and incorporate in to your next iteration.

This agile approach of trial and error accelerates mastery and is the antidote to the perfectionist fear of failure.

2. Flexibility


One thing I really love about being a dev is the flexibility. I’ve worked in corporations with more than 1000 people and I’ve worked in small teams between 2-10 people.

I’ve worked with start ups as well as established businesses. I’ve worked in the office Monday through Friday, and I’ve also worked completely remote. I’ve worked part-time and full-time.

Through SurryHQ, I’ve been able to work for myself.

Whether you want to be an entrepreneur, have a stable career or something in-between, coding lends itself to just about any lifestyle.

3. Income

label better start practicing your shmoney dance

It’s no secret that devs are well paid.

According to the average dev in Sydney is earning between $90,000 and $120,000 a year. Whereas the Australian Bureau of Statistics claims the median Australian income is roughly $60,000 a year.

That’s a pretty major income gap. While choosing a career path with renumeration as your primary incentive is a fast-track to misery - it’s still worth considering.

4. Job Security

When choosing a career, it’s important to learn a skill that you have confidence will remain relevant.

A career in software is a pretty safe bet for the future. The ICT and web development industry is growing every year and shows no signs of slowing down.

label Graph courtesy of AISC

Furthermore, no matter how apocalyptic you feel about artificial intelligence, there is no denying that we live in an increasingly automated world.

While most will fear their career being threatened by this shift there is one group of people looking forward to it - the people coding the automation itself.

5. Stimulation

your brain on code

Coding is a highly mentally engaged activity. It’s like a combination of solving puzzles and being a detective, because you spend half your time thinking of clever solutions to abstract problems - and the other half debugging, narrowing down the culprit like a detective.

As humans we have many needs, physical, social, intellectual, creative etc. Your vocation is a great way to get some of these needs met. As a bricklayer, your job meets your need for physical exertion. As a sales rep, you’re constantly talking to people and your job is very socially stimulating.

I think you can see where I’m going with this. Creatively and intellectually, we have a need to flex our brain and solve problems. Coding is a great outlet for that.

Inspired? Reach out!

So that’s my top five reasons why you should become a dev.

  • 1. Mindset
  • 2. Flexibility
  • 3. Income
  • 4. Job Security
  • 5. Stimulating Work

If you feel inspired and want to pursue a career in this field I encourage you to reach out!

Whether you’re looking for private tuition or just need some guidance / career coaching, we’re happy to help.

Thank you for reading 😄


Our Thoughts, Written Down


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